Morning Fuel Ultimate Training / Race Shake

By Rupert Bonington
March 19, 2016
Morning Fuel Ultimate Shake
Ultimate training / race day breakfast shake
1 sachet Morning Fuel
300 to 400 ml semi skimmed milk or alternative
Desert spoon coconut oil
1 small Banana
1 or 2 soft figs
Handful of sesame seeds
Handful of pumpkin seeds
Simply blitz in a blender, pour into a container, sip away and enjoy.For extra flavour add 1/4 teaspoon of ginger and cinnamon to taste. Ginger and cinnamon are great for digestion and taste great too.And for an extra energy boost add in dried dates to the blend before mixing which are also a great source of dietary fibre and potassium.

Be mindful about the time you start drinking this, you need to give your body time to digest it before you start running.


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